What's Computer Hacking?

Computer hacking is most common among teenagers and young adults, although there are many older hackers as well. Many hackers are true technology buffs who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking an “art” form. They often enjoy programming and have expert-level skills in one particular program. For these individuals, computer hacking is a real life application of their problem-solving skills. It’s a chance to demonstrate their abilities, not an opportunity to harm others.

Since a large number of hackers are self-taught prodigies, some corporations actually employ computer hackers as part of their technical support staff. These individuals use their skills to find flaws in the company’s security system so that they can be repaired quickly. In many cases, this type of computer hacking helps prevent identity theft and other serious computer-related crimes.

Computer hacking can also lead to other constructive technological developments, since many of the skills developed from hacking apply to more mainstream pursuits. For example, former hackers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson went on to create the UNIX operating system in the 1970s. This system had a huge impact on the development of Linux, a free UNIX-like operating system. Shawn Fanning, the creator of Napster, is another hacker well known for his accomplishments outside of computer hacking.

In comparison to those who develop an interest in computer hacking out of simple intellectual curiosity, some hackers have less noble motives. Hackers who are out to steal personal information, change a corporation’s financial data, break security codes to gain unauthorized network access, or conduct other destructive activities are sometimes called “crackers.” This type of computer hacking can earn you a trip to a federal prison for up to 20 years.

If you are interested in protecting your home computer against malicious hackers, investing in a good firewall is highly recommended. It’s also a good idea to check your software programs for updates on a regular basis. For example, Microsoft offers a number of free security patches for its Internet Explorer browser.
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The Top 5 Ways to Prevent IP Spoofing

The term "spoofing" is generally regarded as slang, but refers to the act of fooling -- that is, presenting a false truth in a credible way. There are several different types of spoofing that occur, but most relevant to networking is the Internet Protocol (IP) spoof. Most types of spoofing have a common theme: a nefarious user transmits packets with an IP address indicating that the packets are originating from another, trusted machine.

The first step in spoofing is determining the IP address of a host the intended target trusts. After that, the attacker can change the headers of packets to make it seem like the transmissions are originating from the trusted machine.

What sorts of attacks are launched through IP spoofing? To name a few:

* Blind spoofing: in this type of attack, a cracker outside the perimeter of the local network transmits multiple packets to his intended target in order to receive a series of sequence numbers, which are generally used to assemble packets in the order in which they were intended -- packet 1 is to be read first, then packet 2, 3 and so on.

The cracker is blind to how transmissions take place on this network, so he needs to coax the machine into responding to his own requests so he can analyze the sequence numbers.

By taking advantage of knowing the sequence number, the cracker can falsify his identity by injecting data into the stream of packets without having to have authenticated himself when the connection was first established. (Generally, current operating systems employ random sequence number generation, so it's more difficult for crackers to predict the correct sequence number.)
* Non-blind spoofing: in this type of attack, the cracker resides on the same subnet as his intended target, so he can, by sniffing the wire for existing transmissions, gain knowledge of an entire sequence/acknowledge cycle between his target and other hosts (hence the cracker isn't "blind" to the sequence numbers).

Once the sequence is known, the attacker can hijack sessions that have already been built by disguising himself as another machine, bypassing any sort of authentication that was previously conducted on that connection.
* Denial-of-service attack: to keep a large-scale attack on a machine or group of machines from being detected, spoofing is often employed by the malefactors responsible for the event to disguise the source of the attacks and make it difficult to shut it off.

Spoofing takes on a whole new level of severity when multiple hosts are sending constant streams of packet to the DoS target -- in that case, all of the transmissions are generally spoofed, making it very difficult to track down the sources of the storm.
* Man in the middle attack: imagine two hosts participating in normal transmissions between each other. In a man in the middle attack, a malicious machine intercepts the packets sent between these machines, alters the packets and then sends them on to the intended destination, with the originating and receiving machines unaware their communications have been tampered with -- this is where the spoofing element enters the equation.

Typically this type of attack is used to get targets to reveal secure information and continue such transmissions for a period of time, all the while unaware that the machine in the middle of the transmission is eavesdropping the whole time.
Spoofing, while mostly negative, has some more or less legitimate applications. Satellite Internet access is one. Packets going to orbit and coming back have a relatively long latency, and there are a lot of protocols in common use that don't take well to this delay.

Satellite providers may spoof these protocols, including IP, so that each end of a packet flow receives acknowledgement packets without much delay.

Also, since VPN applications are particularly prone to problems with latency, special software from these providers generally performs more "accepted" spoofing.

But the bad kind of spoofing can be controlled. There are five things, among others, that you can do to help prevent IP spoofing and its related attacks from affecting your network:

1. Use authentication based on key exchange between the machines on your network -- something like IPsec will significantly cut down on the risk of spoofing.

2. Use an access control list to deny private IP addresses on your downstream interface.

3. Implement filtering of both inbound and outbound traffic.

4. Configure your routers and switches, if they support such configuration, to reject packets originating from outside your local network that claim to originate from within.

5. Enable encryption sessions on your router so that trusted hosts that are outside your network can securely communicate with your local hosts.
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Gempa telah melanda di daerah IBUKOTA dan sekitarnya

Gempa dengan kekuatan 7,3 skala Richter mengguncang Jakarta sekitar pukul 14.56 WIB. Gempa berlangsung sekitar lebih dari satu menit tersebut membuat panik penghuni gedung-gedung pencakarlangit di Jakarta. Menurut BMG, pusat gempa berada di sekitar Pantai Pangandaran, Jawa Barat. Gempa ini berpotensi tsunami.
Menurut teman saya di daerah purwoketo jg ikut mengalamai hal yang sama yaitu gempa kecil
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Jadwal Pertandingan Liga Inggris



13-09-09 22:15

13-09-09 18:00
Birmingham City
Aston Villa

12-09-09 23:30
Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United

12-09-09 21:00

12-09-09 21:00
Hull City

12-09-09 21:00
Stoke City

12-09-09 21:00
Manchester City

12-09-09 21:00
Blackburn Rovers
Wolverhampton Wanderers

12-09-09 21:00
Bolton Wanderers

12-09-09 21:00
Wigan Athletic
West Ham United

30-08-09 22:00
Aston Villa

30-08-09 21:00
Wigan Athletic

30-08-09 19:30
Manchester City

29-08-09 23:15
Manchester United

29-08-09 21:00
Blackburn Rovers
West Ham United

29-08-09 21:00
Tottenham Hotspur
Birmingham City

29-08-09 21:00
Wolverhampton Wanderers
Hull City

29-08-09 21:00
Bolton Wanderers

29-08-09 21:00
Stoke City

29-08-09 18:45

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Pengidap asma di larang untuk tertawa?

Tertawa yang sehat selama ini dianggap sebagai obat yang manjur untuk penyakit apapun. Namun, saat ini pernyataan itu tak berlaku lagi. Penelitian terbaru menemukan bahwa tertawa bisa menyebabkan serangan asma. Penelitian ini membuat tawa menjadi permasalahan serius bagi 40 persen dari dua juta penduduk Australia yang mengidap asma.

Seperti diwartakan situs The Times of India, Senin (24/8), survei di internet dilakukan terhadap 200 orang penderita asma. Survei ini dilakukan oleh sebuah universitas dan didukung oleh perusahaan farmasi AstraZeneca. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah tertawa dapat mencetus kambuhnya penyakit pernapasan kronis hingga asma.

Kekhawatiran lain yang muncul dan lebih serius mengenai penelitian ini adalah tiga dari empat penderita asma yang diteliti meyakini bahwa penyakitnya sudah cukup bisa dikendalikan. Mereka menganggap pemicu kambuhnya penyakit asma adalah gaya hidup. Untuk itu, mereka berusaha membatasi gaya hidup demi mencegah timbulnya penyakit ini.

Hasil jajak pendapat itu menggambarkan penelitian Universitas New South Wales (NSW) pada 2004 yang diterbitkan di Journal of Asthma dan penelitian Universitas New York pada 2005 yang bertajuk Laughter May Trigger Asthma Attacks.

Hampir dua dari tiga penderita asma yang diamati kehabisan napas ketika melakukan pekerjaan rumah atau berbelanja. Sedangkan setengah dari jumlah itu terserang asma saat melakukan aktivitas favorit mereka. Lebih dari satu dari tiga penderita merasa kelelahan lantaran tidurnya terganggu penyakit ini. Kemudian satu dari lima lagi membatalkan kegiatan sosial mereka, masih disebabkan oleh asma.

Dokter dari Rumah Sakit Concord Repatriation General Hospital (CRGH), Profesor Christine Jenkins mengatakan asma yang dikendalikan dengan baik takkan menghalangi kesenangan dari kegiatan yang dilakukan. "Yang mengkhawatirkan, penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa disaat banyak yang percaya mereka sudah bisa mengendalikan penyakit asmanya, justru penyakit itu yang sebenarnya mengendalikan mereka beserta gaya hidupnya," ujar Jenkins seperti dikutip Daily Telegraph.(AND)
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"Salam Merdaka"

Happy Brith Day's Republik Indonesia 64th

Merdeka...Merdeka...Bangsa Ku Republik INDONESIA
Tanggal 17 Agustus yang akan datang qta akan merayakan HUT RI yang ke-64..
sudah tak terasa bangsa kita telah berumur 64 th dimana kemerdekaan ini kita rasakan dari hasil jeri payah para pahlawan kita terdahulu...
di antaranya yaitu:

1. Para pemuda
2. Bpk Ir. Soekarno
3. Bung Hatta dan
4. Para Masyarakat Indonesia

Maka dari itu jangan lah kita rusak hari kemerdekaan kita...
Jauhkan Narkoba karena itu dapat merusak moral bangsa yang dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya hari kemerdekaan ini...

Saya Pemuda Indonesia bejanji akan selalu menjauhkan yang namanya "Anarki, Narkoba, Minuman Keras, atau sejenisnya..."
dan jangan lupa Cintailah Produk sendiri karena itu akan membangun bangsa kita....
Dan belilah produk dengan ada lambang "SNI"


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Memasang Jadwal Shalat pada Blogger Kesanyangan anda

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan.....
Ramadhan sebentar lagi akan tiba apakah anda sudah siap untuk menyambutnya?
nah untuk menyambutnya pada blog saya akan memberikan gimana bisa memasang jadwal shalat pada blog anda....
Gimana Caranya????
oke saya kasih tahu caranya.....

Langkah" mendownload jadwal shalat:

1. Buka browser kesayangan anda
2. Ketik alamat ini pada kotak alamat "www.islamicfinder.org"
3. Pada bag bawah halaman utama, klick menu "Add new service to your site"
4. Klick pada no 2 "Daily prayer of your city in your web site"
5. Tentukan negara asal anda, kemudian klick "Go"
6. Klick nama kota asal anda
7. Setelah pengaturan selesai, klick "Generate Code"
8. Pilih bentuk Jadwal shalatnya ada yang Horizontal or Vertikal, kemudian anda copy code htmlnya
9. Setelah itu anda pindahkan untuk sementara copyan code htmlnya ke notepad

Nah ini saatnya langkah" memasangnya pada blog:

* Pastikan anda belum keluar dari "blogger.com" kalau sudah anda masuk kembali
* Kalau anda sudah masuk, klick "Tata letak"
* Pastikan sudah aktif pada "Elemen Halaman"
* Jika anda ingin menambahkan aksesoris yang tadi anda download anda klick pada kotak yang bertuliskan "Tambah Gadget"
* Dari halaman utama "Tambah Gadget", Klick pada link menu "HTML/JavaScript", atau klick pada ikon "+"
* Pada bagian konten, copy dan tempatkan code jadwal shalat yang anda telah dapat, copy code jadwal shalatnya yang ada di notepad lalu anda paste(CTRL + V) pada bagian konten
* Klick tombol Simpan jika code sudah di copykan.
* Setelah selesai anda dapat melihat hasilnya.

"Selamat Mencoba"

Jika anda ingin dapatkan software Adzan untuk PC or Laptop or notebook anda bisa mendownload klick saja pada benner di bawah blog ini.
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